

came with quarantines and vaccines,it took many,made the whole world mourn and cry. whether you had the virus or not you where still affected by it .
To some it didn't come inform of a virus its came as mental illness, depression and the pain of not having the freedom to move.
many people died some bodies where burnt because they was no enough land to put them to rest. we thought this fight was for the whole world.
But they was still division among us because even when death was near it was clear that color, race and culture was what people considered.
How did race got to do with this. Even though COVID has killed many,made people cry and mourn it didn't teach people that the value of life is more than race, color and everything else.
COVID touched everyone both the young and the old .It seperated families ,friends and even strangers . It has left a deep hole in the entire world , It will be remembered and told to the generations to come.
may the ones who we lost rest in peace and may we appreciate the life God gave us each day as we live because we don't know when we will die.
© mainess.....