

A New Era
A new era dawns upon us,
A time of change, a time of fuss.
A clean slate, a blank page,
A chance to turn a new page.
Gone are the days of old,
Where darkness reigned, and fear took hold.
The sun rises with a golden hue,
Bringing hope, and a world anew.
The wind whispers of a promising future,
As the flowers bloom, and nature nurtures.
The birds sing a melody of joy,
Welcoming this era with a harmonious employ.
No more barriers, no more walls,
A world where everyone stands tall.
Love, peace, and unity prevail,
As we embark on this new trail.
Gone are the shackles of hate,
We embrace diversity and celebrate.
Forgiveness and understanding,
Leading us to a better understanding.
This new era is a canvas of art,
Where every voice has a part.
Let's paint it with colors of kindness,
And erase the stains of human blindness.
A new era of progress and innovation,
Where dreams become a manifestation.
With determination and perseverance,
We'll build a world of brilliance.
So let's welcome this new era,
With open hearts, and without fear.
For in this new chapter of time,
We'll create a legacy, one that'll forever shine.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ A New Era

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