

Everything is going back to normal,
and I should be happy, it's what I wanted;
But I'm not.
Your ignorance back then was leading a positive way, but right now,
it's making me to breakdown;
Whatever is there.
The thought of you connected with my destiny was true,
I'm not conflicting it;
And that's it.
You taught me everything I should learn as a necessity,
and also reminded me my early lessons;
" End is not happy".
Both the time you made me build a strong me,
and I'm very thankful for that;
I can't lie.
I didn't liked few things of you back then, and the list is just growing;
Not your fault.
Thinkin'and predictin'you was my mistake,
but I know you did it too;
Credit is mine.
I never regretted my decisions and never will,
so, your memories will stay;
They are necessary.
It's the end of you and me,
but the string between us will remain forever;
No doubts.
But this story ends now.
-Gracy Gohil

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