

Drowning Sun
"Drowning Sun"

Amber rays sink into the endless sea,
As twilight paints the sky with hues of gold,
A farewell to the day, a silent plea.

The waves embrace the dying light with glee,
In whispered murmurs, tales of old untold,
Amber rays sink into the endless sea.

The horizon blurs, where earth and sky agree,
In twilight's grasp, the sun's last tale is told,
A farewell to the day, a silent plea.

The world grows hushed, in solemn reverie,
As darkness creeps, its mysteries unfold,
Amber rays sink into the endless sea.

The stars emerge, a celestial decree,
Guiding lost souls in darkness to behold,
A farewell to the day, a silent plea.

Yet hope remains, in dreams that soon will be,
For dawn will break, a promise to uphold,
Amber rays sink into the endless sea,
A farewell to the day, a silent plea.