

Back when ..

In moments of bleak, smirk,
You wonder how it will work?
And of misery, roar,
Just like before
and like the one before
and the one before that. X 4
I really am on tour.
Can't seem to find a place to call home and stay planted.
I miss the times I had with my loved ones. I guess I took them for granted.
Either way, I didn't want to solicit my bad vibe.
Even though it's hard having no one to confide.
People don't realize I've always had someone by my side.
So living alone is new but learning to ride the tide.
I wasn't expecting prey ready to scoop me.
Ready to to turn me into soup or draw me out like tea.
Can't even go out in the daylight properly without sweating profusely.
I didn't expect the ones I tried to help sheild, use me.
Then falsely accuse me.
Straight abuse g.
I was thier entertainment that got carried away rudley.
Well there's no stopping now otherwise I'll sink to the sea bottom.
As the poke and prod and say, "..look how the drugs gottem."
Getting passed around like a joint?
Or like a hot potato. You got the pint.
I didn't know I'd become someone that can be admired.
My knowledge that I try to share took decades to aquire.
I just keep it simple eliminate words from.my vocabulary like ,"trier".
Or words like, " Can't" , and , "almost".
Stay humble.and never boast.
It ain't even my birthday and I'm the centre of this roast.

© venkatjamespersaud