

I'm done caring
I'm done caring
About how others see me its so overbearing
Having to live in constant fear
Fear of rejection. hoping they don't remember I'm here
I want to be free
And I know many can relate and agree
On the horrid feeling of being watched
All your dreams of being you squashed
Yes I have a uncontrollable fear of humans
They always seem to leave your life in tatters and ruins
Some stay longer
These are the ones sent to teach you to be stronger
Some stay forever
These are your little bright lights,that don't judge you ever
Yet those are rare, and life isn't known to be fair
So I'm done caring
I'll sip my wine and be more daring
Those who care to join my starry nights
Are welcome as long as they provide soulful peace
And avoid petty dramas and fights
I've made a home with being alone
My heart soft and gentle protected by hard stone
As quiet and as easy going I may be
Test my limits and a unpleasant sight of me you'll see
Humans tend to do that
And I've never been one to want to fit in or put on an act
So hear I stand now naked in my truth
I'm weird,quirky,cool and unique in so many ways
And I'll bring so much color to your Grey's
Now I say to you who want to stay
And those who choose to add me to their life and day
I'm Eve nice to meet you

© eve_is_a_poet