

No one is Evil, No One is Good
No one is evil, no one is good,
We each act according to time.
In moments just misunderstood,
Our deeds align with reason's combined.

In every heart, a spectrum resides,
Of light and dark, of truth and lies.
Circumstance often shape our path,
In love's embrace or anger's wrath.

We walk through life, our steps entwined,
With choices made, both cruel and kind.
The roles we play, the masks we wear,
Are painted by the times we share.

So no one is wholly pure or foul,
We shift like tides, in waves we prowl.
Our actions dance with fate's design,
All influenced by the hands of time.

In each of us, a battle fought,
Between the lessons life has taught.
No one is evil, no one is pure,
But in our journey, we each endure.

We seek to find our moral ground,
In every turn, in every sound.
For in this dance of dark and light,
We strive to do what's just and right!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo