

The Universe Doesn't Care #1
The universe doesn't care,
If I'm questioning his love,
If I lose time for myself,
If he embarasses me.

The universe doesn't care,
When he doesn't know it hurts me,
When its my fault that we argue,
When I'm sad because it's so unfair.

The universe doesn't care,
If he stopped talking to me,
If I'm ignored mostly by the one whom I love,
If I'm alone, crying, and suffering.

The universe doesn't care,
When I'm being treated so badly,
When I'm painting myself with blood,
And I'm covered with bruises.

Now I'm standing at the top of a building,
No stars could be seen in the night sky,
They are overshined by the lights of the city,
I felt calm as I jumped, feeling the cold winds hit my body.

This is fine, the universe doesn't care.
My beautiful soul escaped my body,
A familliar man was standing infront of me,
And the words he said was "I'm sorry, I care."

© rei ★