

Echoes of Eternity a cosmic symphony
In the cosmic symphony, where stars alight the night,
And galaxies unfurl their arms in boundless, mystic flight,
There lies a tapestry of secrets, woven in the void,
Where enigmatic forces shape the universe, unalloyed.

In the whispers of the nebulae, in the echoes of the void,
We seek to comprehend the mysteries that lie deployed.
From quasars' fiery gaze to black holes' silent sway,
The universe unveils its secrets in a breathtaking display.

In the dance of gravity, where worlds embrace and spin,
We glimpse the hand of destiny, where beginnings and ends begin.
Dark matter's silent presence, veiled in cosmic haze,
A force unseen yet potent, guiding galaxies in their maze.

From the birth of stars in clouds of gas, to their fiery demise,
The universe unfolds its tale before our searching eyes.
Yet in the grandeur of it all, there's much we cannot grasp,
For mysteries abound in every corner of the cosmic expanse.

What unseen forces shape our fate, what powers hold us bound?
In the depths of space and time, such answers may be found.
But as we journey through the cosmos, seeking truth along the way,
We're humbled by the mysteries that shape our cosmic ballet.

So let us gaze into the heavens with wonder and with awe,
And marvel at the enigmatic forces that we barely glimpse or draw.
For in the grandeur of the universe, in its infinite embrace,
We find the mysteries that remind us of our humble place.
© Parth vyas