

Unity in diversity
This type of poetry often discusses societal problems and encourages readers to take action or empathize with those affected. In this case, the poem is addressing the issue of racism and promoting unity and love.


In a world of colors, vibrant and bright,
Where diversity should be our guiding light.
Yet shadows fall, and hearts grow cold,
When love is lost, and hate takes hold.

Racism, a venom, a silent cry,
A wall that's built, 'twixt you and I.
It blinds us to the truth within,
That beneath the skin, we're all akin.

We're woven together, a human tapestry,
Each thread unique in its majesty.
Yet racism seeks to tear apart,
The vibrant canvas of the human heart.

But let us stand, hand in hand,
Against this scourge that blights our land.
For in unity, we'll find our might,
And in love, we'll set things right.

So let's break down these walls of hate,
Before it gets too late.
For we are one, under the sun,
In the race of life, we all have run.
Remember, it's our differences that make us unique and beautiful. Let's celebrate diversity and stand against racism. 😊

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