

never conform to government reform!!
what did they really die for,
our soldiers i mean,
they died for a world,
in which we could be free!
Well i guess their deaths will all be for nothing in vein,,
for elected officials are lying, decieveing,and playing dangrouse games.
All for one leader to have total control
i feel for all those poor soldiers and foreever unsettled souls!
They fought for our freedoms just for us to discover
the goveenment control was the only outcome we would endeavor.
now our free nation is under attack
rhe perpetrators however are our own political cracks
the people we voted in to keep this country safe
have failed us immensly
condemed to death,
by needles in place.
If we are not vaccinatrd,
we cant leave our houses,
if our soldiers knew this they would have serious problems,
"that's not what we fought for"
I kni2w they would be saying
we fought for equality and freedom for you, all for a world where
true freedom was nevr going to come true
being forced to vaccinate
our bodies or else.......
is blackmail at its finest
can you not tell?
true freedom has no regulations
true fresom also has no ultimatums
its having the freedom to live without a government limitatiins
if we bow down to them now,
and we all vaccinate,
then we have all givin up on freedom and may as well start digging our graves!
for 2~5 years after takeing this shot
you drop dead in your tracks no ifs and or buts
why would we allow them to condem us to early death
its not there job to determine on earth who is left
that job ..
.is reserved for a powerful entity,
. that we have named Death,
all mighty is he.
its the one thing in life that cannot be controlled
Death comes as it pleases
and takes souls when it goes!!!

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