

WHAT I HAVE LEARNT(not a poem)
what l have learnt through my 16 yrs of existence is that nothing is impossible.
I have learnt that pain, fear, sufferings are nothing , they are just to scare us and to build us at the same time. l have learnt that regardless of the situation that we may come across, we must never give up and we should learn to stay strong at all the time because pain is TEMPORARY and we should never let it hold us up instead we should use that pain to get up because we are capable, way much more capable. I speak from experience and although I may be young but I am glad that pain is moulding and creating a person way much more beautiful and experienced than the first one so, my friends let's not get shaken up by small things, l know that some are unbearable but it is NOT YET THE END OF THE WORLD.
© madisyndimpho