

In the chambers of the heart, a tempest brews,
Where love and sorrow intertwine, in hues,
Depression's touch, a heavy hand it lends,
Yet love, a light, through darkness bends.

Through tear-stained nights and silent cries,
Love's gentle touch, a soothing lullaby,
In whispered words and tender embrace,
It holds the broken, with steadfast grace.

Though clouds of doubt may shroud the mind,
Love's flame burns bright, a beacon kind,
In moments bleak, it offers solace sweet,
A ray of hope, in shadows deep.

For in the dance of joy and pain,
Love's symphony, a bittersweet refrain,
It binds the wounded, heals the scars,
And carries souls to brighter stars.

So let love's light illuminate the way,
Through stormy seas and skies of gray,
For in its embrace, we find release,
And in its depths, we find our peace

© Sisco Puentes