

lost souls.
We don't talk..
We don't laugh like we used to..
You growing apart from me so fast..
We went to bestfriends to I don't know you.
We barely FaceTime.
We barely text.
If you don't want to be my bestfriend
Just tell me, because I'm fillling my head with overthinking thoughts, that you actually care.
But u don't, because if you did,
Nothing would be changing between us.
We would FaceTime like we used to.
We would laugh like we used to.
Talk like we used to.
Text like we used to.
Now we're just strangers once again.
I'm not changing and driving this friendship away.
But you are.. and if you want that then be my guest.
I won't stop u, because I won't force you to keep something glued together that you don't even want
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