

What Hurt A Mother's Heart
I watch my mother weep her heart with heavy sorrow
Not for material gifts or attire
Not for luxury or modernity

She weeps
Yearning to provide the best for her children
Yet lacking the means to meet their needs

Her tears
A silent symphony
Each droplet
A testament to her sacrifice
Echoing through the chambers of her soul
She bears the weight of unfulfilled dreams
A sonnet of selflessness written in tears

Her anguish seeping into my being
Every tear she sheds
A constellation of hope in her despair

I find unwavering strength
For her struggles fuel my resolve
To honor her
To uplift her
To be her pride

In the quiet of her weeping
I find purpose to pursue my dreams
To break the cycle of hardship

My mother's tears
A sacred elixir of determination

A vow to crave a path of abundance
A promise to turn her lament
Into hymns of triumphs

Within my mother's tears
Lies my resolve
To be the beacon of hope
She yearns

In her tears
I find the courage to thrive!

My mother

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