

The beautiful night with you....

I was alone, my mind was also empty,
Seeing the beautiful night, and the black sky full of stars and the moon, I wanted to think about you...
The night supported me. It wanted to hear us and our love story..
And I was extremely very happy to talk about us....
I started our story. The night got silent.. Very silent....
After some time I stopped, took a break, looked at the sky. There was something in its eyes ... Little after it started crying. ahhhh,,,,it was raining, a drop of rain fell down on my cheeks. I overwhelmed... I started thinking about each and every moment I spent with you.. That was amazing... I wanted to lose myself in you.. I recalled the last night with you at the beach... Wow....what a moment. Holding your hand, walking in the beach under the beautiful sky was the most memorable time of my life.... Sometimes I think that the great sky also likes us. It shows interest towards us... I love the sky in the night very much because it reminds me of you. In the night when I sleep,it brings dream of yours in my eyes....
It never lets my mind forget about you. The night loves the moon. And you are the moon of my life. The way the night loves the moon, I also love you... I love the night, I love you, and I love the night with you... The night looks very beautiful in the rain and I look so happy with you...I think the night and you is the most beautiful thing created by god. Now you are too far from me.. but I feel myself with you... The night reduces the distance between us through the moon. I think you will also share your feelings with the moon like me.. I like the night sky because of you. I love to think about you in the night. After a busy schedule of all the day, I get some time for us in the night only..That's why I love the night.... Yes I love the night because of you.....