

Beautiful Life Love Story
Imagine my flesh translucent,
Your very existence consuming each opaque cell.
Emotions bleed through my skin like radiation,
You illumine my very essence, weak, my guard and walls dispel.

Stripped. I'm vulnerable, raw and exposed,
Stained. Before, my heart like a diseased Willow.
Soul soiled by the darkness of the night's terror,
Stemmed together by branches of weeping sorrow.

Your kiss, like a Lily's pedal penetrated by the Sun,
My eyes again twinkle where the light was once dim.
Nourished by Your Love Like the morning dew to a flower,
Because of you, my soul has awakened.

Your heart's song Whispers like thread through a needle,
Stitching together the shattered pieces of mine.
Your touch is like glue that bonds what was broken,
Now our hearts and our souls are intertwined.

To You I Promise;

I'll be the harmony through your life's tribulations,
If the waters get rough, I'm your sail through the stormy weather.
When you have a dream, I'll be your rock for its foundation,
For the rest of our lives, I'm your ride or die forever.

Let them Envy our "Beautiful Life Love Story" we created together!
