

Miss America
Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of fate,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, refusing to be beat

Never letting up, passing people on the way.
one test, two test, three test did you believe your fate would be the final test?
Testing bravery
Testing Skill
Testing heroism
Testing chances to never let up your faith.
Heading to destinations, times mishaps shape a clever mind.
How far did you travel to pass the gates?
Through grin and grit.
Smiles of tears.
who knew the destination it took to get here.
Friends and Family
The praise. The envy.
Trudging on solid intentions,
babygirl wore the crown. It tilted just a little as her aching feet soar.
Steadfast in the beginning. Growing stronger with each minute.
Passive at first until she found her active voice became assertive in view.
Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of fate,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, refusing to be beat
Miss America fixed her crown,
standing tall; straight up now.
Victory; Triump, the gates opened.

Credit:[Google Photo]

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