

Echoes of longing
When are my musings about you going to come to an end? When will my longing for you be fulfilled? You have no idea how much this bothers me. Share your thoughts by composing a poem about it.

In thoughts that wander, endless, they unfurl,
A longing deep, an enigmatic swirl.
My presence lingers, haunting in your mind,
A connection formed, both gentle and kind.

But answers lie in moments yet unseen,
In realms of time where futures intervene.
For as your musings ebb and flow like tides,
In waiting, patience in your heart abides.

The longing's end, a distant, mystic quest,
A journey full of hope and heartfelt zest.
Embrace the journey, let it pave your way,
In time, perhaps, your dreams will see the day.

So let these musings dance in endless grace,
As you and I share moments, time and space.
For in this journey, life's great truths we find,
A longing's fulfillment, in the vast design.
© Karma