

Low, a word of simple sound
But its depth, oh how profound
It can mean so many things
A symphony of emotions it brings
It can describe a mood so blue
A feeling of sadness that rings true
When life becomes too much to bear
And darkness seems to fill the air
Low, like a river running slow
A gentle flow, calm and mellow
But also a force to be reckoned
A power that cannot be beckoned
It can be used to describe size
Like a low sky, with no sunrise
Or a low whisper, barely heard
But still, it leaves an impact, undeterred
Low, like a bird with broken wings
Unable to soar, unable to sing
But still, it tries to take flight
Unwilling to give up without a fight
Low, like a flame in the wind
Diminished, but never rescinded
For even at its lowest point
Its flicker of hope, it still appoints
Low, a word of little syllables
But its meaning, oh so formidable
It reminds us, amidst the highs
That sometimes, it's okay to be low and rise
So when life brings you down low
Remember, it's just a temporary flow
For in our lows, we find our strength
And rise again, to go the length.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Low

© ApproximatePower