

while always dragging slowly on,
does not heal all wounds,
still getting worked up about things,
that happened 8 years ago,
and even though I knew I was in a safe place,
with a safe person,
I knew something would go wrong,
I jumped at every sound of thunder,
hoping, praying the lights wouldn't go out,
that I wouldn't be in the dark,
dark like when I was 14,
and sure enough when the lights die,
I was dragged back in time,

14 and being dragged into a guys house,
(but really was dragging you that difficult? why were you so naive ? you were old enough to know better)
shaking on his ugly orange comforted bed, watching him turn the lights off,
being in that exact moment again but this time knowing where this ends,
I told myself I wouldn't freak out if the lights happened to go out, ( I lied)
I swore I would be silent and ride it out, ( I didnt),
and before I can stop myself I hear myself start saying stop,
but the one thing that helps things and what helped draw me back into the present,
was the guy did stop, did apologize and waited for me to shakily explain,
and then held me and said, "its okay, I'm happy you told me."
© amaltheafiore