

Despair soul
In shadows deep, where light does flee,
There lies a soul, consumed by the sea,
A tempest within, a silent plight,
Where darkness dances, shrouding the night.

Through trials untold, life's hardships descend,
The weight of the world, a crushing blend,
With personal battles and professional woes,
The spirit weakened, as the pain only grows.

Alone in the crowd, with a heavy heart,
Where smiles deceive and tear drops start,
In the depths of despair, the soul's plea resounds,
Yearning for solace, a respite to be found.

Oh, the anguish that grips, relentless and deep,
Like a storm-ravaged ship, lost in oceans so bleak,
Anxiety's grip tightens, suffocating the air,
A soul adrift, longing for someone to care.

In the darkest hour, when hope seems to fade,
The mind in turmoil, a fragile cascade,
The weight of despair bends the weary soul,
As desperate thoughts whisper, taking their toll.

But hold on, dear heart, for I beseech,
Within your depths, a strength lies to reach,
Embrace the pain, for it will not last,
You're not alone, in this tempest so vast.

There are hands to hold and ears that will hear,
Loved ones near, to wipe away every tear,
Speak your truth, let your voice be known,
For in vulnerability, seeds of healing are sown.

For life is a tapestry, woven with threads,
Of joys and sorrows, entwined like silken threads,
Embrace the contrast, for it molds your soul,
From darkness emerges a heart that is whole.

Know that storms pass, and skies will clear,
That in the depths of despair, hope draws near,
Seek the light that flickers, a guiding star,
And know, dear soul, you are never too far.

You're a warrior, fierce, with strength untold,
A spirit resilient, destined to unfold,
In the symphony of life, you have a part to play,
A testament to courage, that rises from dismay.

So, stand tall, for you are not alone,
Reach out your hand, and let your heart be shown,
In the tapestry of life, your worth is impearled,
A survivor, a conqueror, against the tides of this world.

© Subha