

A Soul for A Soul
Ooh, Mr. Raven, don't sit there and trying to steal my soul.
For I freely gave it away to my true love.

Lets have a starring contest, shall we, Mr. Raven; you will be flying away truly cawing wanting what you saw out of your mind.

Is the sight picking and grabbing
From the depth of your soul
Wanting to come up through
your skin, out of your feathers,
Oohh, you see it too?
Do you not, Mr. Raven?
Shall we go deeper?

Scratching, picking, and digging
such sights, sounds, scars, pain, and tears that have you see upon this soul.
Yet, it's a distinctive and rare one
One you shouldn't be messing about with.
Out you need out.
How to get it out.

Sorry, Mr. Raven, you are trapped within.
Welcome to your new home.
Your soul for the one I need.

*A Soul for A Soul*

(Author note was written for Halloween 2020, not emotionally attached)

© VictoriaElizabeth73