

Time and it's direction

Time and it's direction

Time you have always intrigued me
I have experienced you in all the forms
And yet I do not fully grasp thee
Even though you have been a friend
Walking along; always accompanying me.

You have been a constant to me
When I consider my parents love
And the attention they gave me
There was not a single moment
When they didn't care for me.

Time you have been linear in direction
When I consider the singular life I have been living
My Mind interprets you as a series of events
Linked to each other in a beautiful continuity
I always try to hold and catch; but you pass ahead swiftly.

If I consider the laws of thermodynamics
Your direction is towards increasing entropy
Which could mean you are travelling
Towards the chaos till you are set free
Making you the destroyer of all that there is.

You for Einstein and other scientists
Are the fourth dimension of space time
Bound to space and never free
And if we consider red shift and expanding universes
You are the creator of all that there is.

Finally, when I consider myself a soul
You become the God for me
I begin the circle of life as a baby
And end as a speck in the lanes of history
Yet being born again and again; living in your eternity.
© Dr Pawan Kumar Pokhariyal