

Ghost towns
Once flourishing, now deserted,
these are the present situation,
of many places, in peripheral regions,
away from the reach, of development.

For, here, lies this ancient heritage,
are being forgotten, and left behind,
slowly fading away, in the backgrounds,
as newer cities, taking center stages.

Where lies the lifestyle they aspire,
many opportunities, of gaining power,
appealing them, with latest happenings,
providing wealth, and preferred amenities.

So they migrate, with big dreams,
leaving behind, the old and weak,
dilapidated houses left untouched,
lands, remaining barren or overgrown.

From centuries, it's a cyclical event,
bustling communities, were abandoned,
due to disasters or resource depletion,
civilizations buried with passing time.

Even now, people seek better lifestyle,
aspiring future, break away from roots,
only structures, of mud & wood remains,
while residents left or have perished.

Ghost towns...
They are indeed fascinating,
a glimpse of past cultures of mankind,
Yet, being a stark reminder....
An impermanence, of human settlements.

© Dr. Manish Rout