

For Your Social Media Delight
Oh God what sort of culture is this?
I'm on the train and two late teen girls are giggling like they just had their first kiss,
They're hyper and fake and I was thinking they're probably gonna go home do a post,
but HECK they don't bother waiting it's scary as fuck like some ghost,
Speaking like they're straight off the set of some lame sitcom,
now doing an Insta short "the contents of our bags" what sort of planet am I on?
Then it's the outfits where from and how much they wear,
they deffo have money you can tell they're so rich girl life-experience unaware,
I hate this culture that everyone's gotta be on cam and condone all things fake,
Calm down, half the volume, I love the exuberance but for fuck sake
you're bringing out the "I can't take this no more" attitude,
Thank God I'm getting off next station cos they're crushing my positive attitude.

© .Garry Saunders