

Saying how I feel and what I feel is not an easy thing for me.

I'm misunderstood to the point i'm a nobody.

Or just a somebody from another place that no one in this realm understands.

What is my being?

Thats for "them" to decide.

How could I possibly know myself in a world where everyone puts a label on others?

Humans above humans.

This is humanity to "them".

I call it "in-humane".

Do I really have a say so?

OH! "They're" going to let me know.

The "other" humans that are better than me.

So much better than me that im lonely even when im not alone.

I wish I could hear voices or think up an imaginary friend.

Even then I would have people to talk to and someone to hang out with.

"They" believe they're entitled to the words that belong to my silence.

Never revealed in truth.

Only mentioned by opinions and rumors.

Its my fault.

Im "misundertood".

Or as "they" would say, "she's just crazy".

"They' dont know the real reason why i scream.

Looking down into a puddle of tears at my reflection.

My self consciousness intruded by monsters called people.



Gut wrenching tears pouring down my blank face.

Splashing on the surface of the salty water puddle below me.

Making a new wave of emotional blindness.

Foggy water.

Eyes hazed and strained.

The excess never drains with ease.

The emotions only intensify.

Though it's not justified.

The fear is true down to every tear drop.

They fall.

But never evaporate.

Do you remember who you were before "they" made you who you've become?

Written by:
Amy Jo Koontz

© Amy Jo Koontz