

I am in trouble
My heart is so confused
My mind is so unfocused
I feel so discouraged.
But you're always there to lift me up.

I ran away from you
I ignored your calls
I keep on letting you down
But still, you're so patient with me
And you gave me more than I deserve

There were times I want to give up
Those trials, I want them to run out
I worried a lot for the future.
But you're always there to pick me up
In my silence, you hear me out loud.

I know I don't deserve you
But you love me more than anyone else.
It's you who holds me tight
It's you, who guides me to the right path
It's you, who forgives me when I do wrong.
It's you, My Lord, My God
I know, I will never be scared anymore.

©️ Mari Felices
