

[God Bless Africa]
[a #writco.in poem]

God bless Africa, a continent so fair,
You made her the second largest, with oceans to share.
Located south of Europe, with a strategic place,
You bordered her with the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean's embrace.

God bless Africa and her fifty-four daughters too,
Rich in soil, minerals, flora, and fauna, with resources anew.
You gave her children, with black as their race,
A heritage to cherish, a future to embrace with grace.

Oh God, bless Africa and her children so dear,
Make her the leading continent, with progress and hope to appear.
Rich in human resources, with power to develop and grow,
A beacon of hope for the world, in Africa's future to glow.

God bless Africa, now and forevermore.

— Roy Johane Gama ©2024