

The ballad of the lifetime
Those who walk the way of life,
know the hurt that comes with it.
Sometimes we are shamed,
because we’re not the perfect fit.
Not to worry though,
there is always a place for you.
The people who make you feel unwanted,
their views have been led asked.

Empathy is the pure core of humanity.
Do not sacrifice your well being for somebody, who does not know their own individuality.
But those who tear every one else down,
are hiding that they are suffering.
If they strive to improve, whether it takes one day or a year, applaud them they are recovering.

Do not be discouraged,
life has many redeeming qualities.
It is undoubtedly a blessing that,
we get to see so many ideologies.
There is always a caveat though,
bad people and actions.
But the truly evil people in the world,
only makes up a fraction.

Whatever you decide to choose,
what to do with your time.
Make sure your mistakes are,
a lesson that lasts a lifetime.
Some feelings may feel,
uncomfortable or slightly uncanny.
But the only way to live this life,
is to do what makes you happy.
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