

Our last meeting ...
Worst was our last meeting
As if I committed a cheating;
treacherously betrayed my heart
Thus, this long distance has kept us apart

August 4th'23; it was Friday
You were late as usual, I waited in gay
After my taunts you finally appeared
Bright sunny day, all my apprehensions cleared

Amist the hustle of chowk, we looked only at eachother
What we'll do, had no plans any further
We had no place to sit, still I was calm
Holding your hand, you by my side, a charismatic charm

We walked a long distance, to reach the temple,
It was closed, we walked, peace in ample
We lost our way, I wanted to be lost with him
The long walks, the cute talks, totally lost in his eyes, never wanted to swim.

But, there arrived the dusk, somehow you found the way
A complete Bollywood scene, the clouds appeared from far away
The twilight of our meeting, the time to say goodbye
Droplets fell, I panicked to drop you home safely, heart defeated I comply

In this hurry, we forgot our last hug and never kissed
I sent you away, how dumb I was, this moment I missed
The moment he left, this mistake striked my mind
How dumb! how dumb! how dumb! completely wisdom's blind

The rain bruntly showered, I again lost my way
Sitting in rickshaw, with a sweet couple by my side, I only could pray
"plz God let him be safe", I called him on phone
We both cried in pain, nature accompanied us, tragedy in both tone

I knew we'll not meet in future too soon
It was the reason I wasn't in senses, almost in swoon
Somehow I also reached home, stopped crying, pretending as if nothing ever happened
Again same missed calls, craving for togetherness, this broken heart completely threatened

What if we couldn't make it again?
No! No, it can't be, our love is true, sweet and plain
Even with distance, we smile together
Soon destiny will help us indeed, all our dreams will come true, we'll also be "HAPPILY LIVED AFTER FOREVER "

© Ritu