

Little Time
I want to make poetries with lines so artistic,
That people would think of the author as eccentric.
I want to have books where the author is me,
Displayed in the libraries and is read with glee.

I want to make music with sounds so ethereal,
That people listen to it for their wounds to heal.
I want to discover all the songs out there,
Genuinely enjoying the melodies I hear.

I want to paint the things that are beyond the sky,
I'd be the owner of the artsyle people would identify.
Painting the things in the earth would do too,
Oh to be able to have time for the things I want to do.

There are more things that I desire to do in my lifetime,
Especially having two words together to rhyme.
But can I truly reach these ambitions as my years come to an end?
I'm a human with a little time with dreams as my friend.

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