

Tortured Poet's Tedious Day
Tortured Poet's Tedious Day, Penny's poet eats porridge Says,
Letters lost and drifting lore, a poem of love or a tale so gore.
An alloy almirah and allie's potrait, poet's pen writes lore's fate.
Tortured Poet's Tedious Day, Touch of nip such as Tender Clay.
Seven sons of Stephen and Daisy's Daughters, i draw a dance.
Tearing paper with teary eyes sips a English tea i utter myself lies.
Tortured Poet's Tedious Day, Follies of a Foolish poet that's okay.
Deary daisy do you listen, Tortured Poet's dear daisy I miss you.
Tedious Day beneath the old bottlebrush tree, tortured Poet seeks serenity.

© jude