

Mr. Eyebrows
As the cloak turned two
Sunlight kissed the person next to me
Lighting his body with its glory.
Awkward smiles pasted on that stranger's face.
I peaked at those raised eyebrows so dense in pure horror.
Then started guessing the last time he saw himself in a mirror.
The doubt didn't last long though!
The constant approaches to straighten those hairs standing in protest showed he cared way more about his looks.
Just not the eyebrows part!

And somehow he always wore pink.
Not that men cannot wear whatever they think.
Don't you get it!
Same color everyday is boring?
His irritating act of ignoring
Made him a perfect target for my daily gossiping.
Oh mostly those deadly eyebrow stole the discussion.

Then came the day!
When I had him as a partner.
Oh the joy of talking with Mr. Scary Eyebrows!
Half the day went watching him trying to straighten that strands supporting ongoing protests.
Speaking for the first time,
My lips betrayed me
By speaking sweet things easily ignoring those eyebrows.

"Can't sing a song to save my life ", he grinned.
"Too smart for anyone else", my brain chimed.
But my lips were shut.
Oh he had looks alright!
And we still managed to keep calm after a fight!
Alas he was too much of himself.
But still however he is, turned out to be a friend.
Along with those scary eyebrows.

Ever smelled pertrichor?
The refreshing soil that the rain offers while biding a goodbye?
Talking with Mr. Eyebrows felt like that.
A get away from real world.
When it comes to character
It's like those candies sold down the street. Each one has a different flavor.
Some you just want to puke.
Some you devor.
But who wants anyone who is perfect anyway?
Because those eyes somehow showed all those galaxies in milkyway.
And now the eyebrows seemed not so bad after all.

Can you now guess who?
Not my brother nor anywhere near being a boyfriend.
Someone who has the scariest eyebrows ever.
But still always had a warm face.
Is there someone like that in your place?

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