

If I have the time machine!
I was very prompt in my school days,
Always first in the dance competition
Happy days!,
At the age of ten I had participated in the drama competition

While my friends were falling in love,
I was getting first in the exams
I was weak in sports but badminton was my love,
My buddies were making criticisms

I remember oneday my best friend came to me,
When she heard that other section girls are making fun of me!

That's mean I was popular!,
They were shut up by my teacher

The cycle race after the tuition,
Waiting eagerly to eat the launch box
I was happy when I got the second in the science exhibition,
The exam tension while friends used to say relax!

The boy who proposed me got rejected,
When the principal gave punishment to clean dust in the garden
I was caught in his closed circuit television giving poses to make him scared,
Only For fun!

Race to get the window seat in the bus,
By travelling we talked about the relationships of our teachers
From the bus stop to the home I was in a rush,
That i get the highest score in the math exam to tell my neighbours!

Happy days!
School days!

If I have the time machine I would like to go back,
I would never come back!

© saipriya panda