

Thing Called Love
In loving you I was neglecting myself
I don't blame you
I blame my heart
my stupid, stupid heart
It's saw you and seen forever
But you and it had different
durations of forever
We wanted a life with you
You just wanted it right now
So you see
I can't blame you for myself and my heart for falling in love with you
I'm to blame for thinking
I could ever fit into your world
I revolved around you
yet you were a revolving door
Here one minute gone the next
hot and cold
Confusion sets in
and I'm left wondering why I stayed
Why I fell for someone
who didn't even trip
Who never saw in me
what I seen in them
I thought of you as my home
But to you I was a hotel
You were checked out
never really checked in
I really don't know why we love the ones who don't love us so much
Must be some kind of chemicals in the brain that makes us so naive
Thinking and hoping that if we love them hard enough
If we stay through all the bullshit
They might love us back one day
We gamble on a maybe
risking our self worth
Draining our mental health
Willingly accepting permanent scars for temporary people
Changing our outlook on a beautiful thing called love

© Spew