

Before God's magic
I want to know how these verses sing
Used to writing them to speak of a
desire I cannot fill or make my own

Now I feel stunted
lacking in that literary juice
I'm supposed to dip my verses in. I know
I haven't lived long enough for all the right
Except the classroom, & science
& the many ways a body dies — pallor to livor mortis.

If you ask me
What it feels like to hold a hand that is not yours, i'll tell you i've held mine long enough to be unaware. I'll tell you each waking day finds me as one, half-malnourished kingdom.

Loneliness is the song I have completely learned. Loneliness is the power. In these four walls, in a room stuffed with heat I reach out to its brawny limb. See, I want to be here a while

Where I can cook my destiny till it matures. You know a day will come where I step into the world with a different song, all eyes on me.

Even the Heavens will say come, come and see. Before I become God's magic I want to know how these verses sing, one day at a time.

© I.K Inyang