

Till its last drop!!!
I vowed for you in private but my love radiated in public places
I hustled and worked to have you every weekend but worked more to have you everyday
Even in the office i hold your hand tight against mine i never wanted to let go
Because of that there were many family gatherings and you as the centre piece

They all warned me about you but my love for you was too much even when it broke me
My wife filed for divorce my son cursed my ways
My home empty full of an empty space you caused for me
But still i hold tight to you like a nail on a finger

My hard work turned into dust i became a laughing stock because i had to have you till the last drop
I was high in your love there was no timeout
I was your slave i worked and lived for you

My heart filled with regrets my eyes with sorrow for im addicted to you
Because i craved for you lusted but yet couldn't get enough of you even to the last drop i was still thirsty for more!!!

© pc living ghosts