

Good Memories
How much ever we fight

How much ever we cry

How much ever we argue

How much ever we don't talk,

We know it inside that

We don't do it by meaning it.

All we look for is happiness

All we look for is calmness

All we look for is peace,

So we do all these things to get these.

Hate, anger, grudge and disgust

Are disguised form of self defence.

Even though we know

These defences are temporal,

We don't spare enough time

For introspection

That might lead us to be the leader

Who can wisely manage everyone.

We can't blame anyone for anything

It's okay if you don't live

Consciously every second,

Cause its human nature.

But, if you really know what life is

Then you'll absolutely live

Consciously every second,

Cause it's divine nature.

Any way whatever we did with our life,

In the end,

We only think about

The good memories we made with each other,

That's the nature of pure consciousness,

Cause tenure of this body isn't certain.
© 🐳Praveena🌌✨️