

corrupted mind
imaginary friends and hallucinatory love
the corrupted mind ,and hypnotized heart
the cost of a first misstep
I would have chose to engage in and it could have changed the entire course of my life
but I didn't
came along a shift in the soul catchers
only with less focus ,the ease of escape
the vulnerability of friendship and the ruin of reputation
the elicit endeavor and pre sumptuous attraction
drastic,a change of perpetrators
level change,but the brain dimensions still
where my ritual of penitence, because I did almost succumb
and yet I thought that hurt feelings was a first sign of love,because it did hurt mine
so I chose to err on the side of being a love bird,and wrote her some letters
a similar trait I found on the trio,them scripts destroyed
the first had but a fifty cents retrieve,as a reciprocal gift
the second I never did send,after I found out it was a detour
the third had it printed,and burnt it was,I later heard
and a group I re surface,took upon some serious passion curses
set my pace a spiral,whence I learnt
so I chose to travel so I could know who I really am
and upon a stance,realized I was,maybe be a honey bee,and her a dragon fly
a for week four year disparity in lifetime
and detachment,really is a monster I tended to avoid
so I departed thus
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