

oh mama
I remembered when I was still a little beautiful princess.Once it's getting dark and we see the moonlight all the kids quickly run down to our hut to come hear some moonlight tales told by Mama.She told amazing stories but one particular one stands out. Mama told us a story about appreciation.
"story story" that's how she starts
" In a very small village there's a boy who was an orphan but a man took him in,the man was very poor but made sure he provided everything he needed,he also fought for the boy but he never appreciated the goodness of his father and he took all of it for granted,he was in high school when the father suffered from blindness and life began to tell on them, they literally started begging to feed,sadly the young found it embarrassing and then he would carry the father to the middle of the street and write ' pls help me, for I am a blind man' on a sheet of paper,put gum and paste it on the father's clothes and leave him there to wander. People began to wonder why his own son would treat his father is such a terrible manner.He didn't bother looking for him because someone who knows him will definitely bring him back home,but he really didn't care about the father,he cared about the money he'd bring back home.One particular day,he dropped papa on the road as usual and went back to play,a good smaritan saw papa and has happened to be a good friend of his took him in for days took care of papa.The son didn't care the first day but when it got to tye second day he was worried about what he'd eat and drink but not about his father he started looking for him everywhere and couldn't ask the villagers that's because they witnessed some of the ill treatments he gave papa. A week passed and it became clear that papa was missing and regretted all his actions and starred pleading for mercy and looking for ways to make things right. On the other hand papa was worried about him but the friend insisted that he needs rest and not worry about his notorious son,but papa insisted....
The son kept hoping that papa would forgive him and he made up his mind to Ace his exam in other to make papa proud. After two weeks papa begged his friend that if he doesn't allow him go he would stop his medications,his friend then promised him after his last check up he'd go see his son.Papa was only partially blind but with the help of. his friend kind gestures( food,drugs,eye check ups and rest) he could see better with the recommended glasses from the optician. Papa and his friend got home and when he saw his son,he was teary and the son ran and embraced but immediately he knelt down and started crying for forgiveness. Papa couldn't believe it but immediately he grabbed him and gave him a knock on the head and hugged him. He told his father to wait he has something good for him, immediately he brought an envelope and behold it was his result "he passed"screamed papa and they celebrated it with a bottle of sweet wine." everyone shouted." oh mama!" Thank you for this lovely story although some of us are at sleep.