

Kanha, i found you ~ Bhuyanshi Talukdar
In the pages of Geeta, I found you
You are the one with
the peacock feather in your hair,
the one who played the divine flute
whose sound soothed the souls of
your devotees.

Your holy name a soft whisper
on my tongue.
You, who spoke the truth with
the eloquence of a poet,
I can smell the fragrance
of Vrindavan's flowers,
and in your eyes
I see the reflection of all heavens'
You, the friend of Arjuna in the epic war,
Whose voice echoed
thru the battlefield of Kurukshetra,

The smell of jasmine and
burning ghee filling the air,
I felt the warmth of your being,
soothing and comforting.
The feel of cool water
on my parched lips.
Your words like a pool of liquid love,
filling me with hope and courage,
clearing away my fear.
© BhuyanshiTalukdar2023