

The jealous factor..
A word so strong with pros and cons...
Considering it a blessing in disguise the creator has coded us with...
It's the ignitor of the heart... ❤️🔥
It rushes every inch of our soul to do a thing our heart is fighting within...
Don't know what it actually is?
Is it our grief, our anger, our insecurity or our unacceptance that someone/something is better..
But it pushes ourselves to reach the position we can compete with...
Competitive jealousy is what I talk about!
Materialistic jealousy is evil...
Be happy with what you have..
Coz somewhere in this world someone longs for the life you have...
Don't feel envy of the people you have in your unexpected life..
Appreciate it...
As beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.. ❤️😇