

The river
On rainy days, the river calls my name.
Great trees billow in the dastardly wind.
Tiny legs scuttle into the same holes.
The larger mammals gather in caves amongst their fellow kin.

Only one blue soul remains.
Standing in the middle of the river bank.
Blue waves wash away the dirt from my feet.
I stand still in nothing but a blouse.
Looking up at the ocean above me and then the waves below me.

I stand still.

The heavens above eventually turn into pure charcoal.
With specks of white paint on its black canvas.
The moon plays a game of hello and goodbye.
Each and every night, it loses weight before gaining it back.

I stand...still.

Letting the waves consume me.
The curious crabs and fish dissect me.
I fall gracefully in this small pond.
As I become one with the river.
A deer hymns her song.

© DolorTheDaimone