

You Colored My World
In the dim light of dawn, amid shadows of the past,
Eyes that glimpsed no future, life was fading fast.
The world appeared as a canvas, painted in dull gray, living without purpose; dreams would never stay.

Then, you entered my life, whispering secrets to my soul; there was no black or white; I saw skies of blue and gold. Now, there's beauty everywhere. You brought color to my life, and all that was wrong was suddenly right.

In the silence of my sorrow, where lonely echoes schemed, you became my sunshine, more than I ever dreamed. It's hard to believe how far I've come from the life I used to know. Your love is a brand new dawn, and my emptiness is gone.

I will cherish every day and the love you freely give; in a world I feared slipping away, I now love how it feels to live.
- Trudy Perez