

A Solemn Scene

Upon the cross, it was a solemn scene,
Where agony and grace convene,
The veil, once thick, now torn in twain,
A symbol of redemption's gain.

And as the earth trembles, and the skies grew dark,
It was on this day, the veil is torn, leaving its mark,
A lasting symbol of mercy, of love's sacrifice,
The veil reveals truth beyond any price.

With the tear in the fabric, a pathway then unfold.
Where redemption's story, in grace, is now forever told,
No longer bound by sin's heavy chain,
Because hope emerges from sorrow's reign.

And in the shadows deep, where crosses stand,
The Son of Man extends his forgiving hand,
To bear our burdens, heal our pain,
In love's embrace, our souls regain.

Through blood-stained tears, a mercy flows,
As forgiveness blooms, and grace bestows,
Upon the broken, the lost, the torn,
A promise fulfilled, one of hope on Easter morn.

So let us pause, in reverence deep,
Where sorrow and salvation meet,
For in the torn veil, we find our way,
To the light of resurrection, on Easter's day!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo