

KM's Love Left Unsaid
Part I: The Silent Longing

In the quiet halls of school we roamed,
Where youth and dreams in whispers combed.
She shone so bright, a brilliant star,
Top of the class, her goals set far.

KM, a boy with introverted grace,
Shy, unsure, he’d hide his face.
Just passing grades, he’d scrape and strive,
In her presence, he felt alive.

Through the years, his love grew strong,
Unspoken words, a silent song.
Her laughter, eyes, and gentle way,
Made every moment bright as day.

But time moved on, and school did end,
The paths diverged, they could not blend.
Now KM walks alone, forlorn,
His heart in pieces, love unworn.

The words unsaid, the thoughts untold,
Now linger in the heart, so cold.
What might have been, a dream so sweet,
Is lost within the time’s quick beat.

Regret, a shadow on his mind,
The courage missed, the love confined.
In letters never sent, he writes,
Of sleepless days and lonely nights.

For in the silence, truth was there,
A love profound, beyond compare.
Yet fear and doubt did make him pause,
And now he mourns what never was.

In the still of night, his heart does ache,
Her name a whisper, keeps him awake.
Stars above, a silent choir,
Echo his longing, his desire.

The moonlight casts a lonely glow,
On dreams of her, from long ago.
His broken heart, a heavy weight,
A love untold, a cruel fate.

So let this tale a lesson be,
For hearts that love in secrecy.
Speak your truth, let fear take flight,
For unspoken words can haunt the night.


Part II: Discoveries in SJIT

In the quiet halls of SJIT he interned,
New friends and laughter, his spirits churned.
They teased and joked, a lively band,
But KM's heart held memories unplanned.

One night they dared to swipe his phone,
In jest, they peeked where secrets were sown.
Messages scrolled, revealing his past,
A love unspoken, meant to last.

Their faces fell, the truth unsealed,
KM's heart, once again, was revealed.
She loved another, a painful blow,
His silent dreams, now laid low.

Gentle whispers filled the air,
His friends now knew his heart's despair.
In sympathy and solemn grace,
They shared his burden, embraced his place.

The moon above, a quiet balm,
As stars embraced him with their calm.
Regret still lingered, a shadowed ghost,
But friendship's warmth soothed him the most.

For in this moment, KM found,
A healing touch, on solid ground.
Though love's path twisted, bittersweet,
His heart could mend, his pulse could beat.
# KM'sLoveLeftUnsaid
© KM.Pradhosh