

lost in a loved city
In the center of the city, under Natural glow,
I was lost in streets where the cool winds blow.
towers like giants in a dream,
Lost in the city, trying to find myself.

The hustle, the bustle, the city's own beat, Played on the concrete street, is the city own beats,
Each corner turned, a new story unfolds,
In the city I love, where my heart beholds.

Amidst the crowd, I stand alone,
Because I am in a lost city.
A solitary figure, far from home.
Yet in this maze where I roam free,
I see hope and peace there in.
I find myself, where I'm meant to be.

The city's embrace, tight and warm,
Through every alley, every storm.
In this urban jungle that I adore,
I'm lost, yet found , where I belong.

© Deb