

Whispers of Departure
In the vast expanse of life's grand stage,
A tale unfolds, of love's turning page.
Once so close, hearts intertwined,
Now drifting apart, a bittersweet find.

Like autumn leaves, we slowly sway,
As time's winds carry us away.
Growing distant, yet still connected,
A bond once strong, now somewhat affected.

The echoes of laughter, now faint in my ear,
Memories cherished, but tinged with a tear.
Paths diverge, and we must find our way,
But the love we shared will forever stay.

So let us not mourn the fading light,
For distance can't dim love's radiant might.
Though we may wander on separate shores,
Love's flame burns on, forevermore.

As for the category of this poem, while it does touch upon the theme of growing distant from loved ones, it may not necessarily fall solely within the category of love. It explores the complexities of relationships and the emotions that arise when connections change over time. It could be seen as belonging to the broader category of personal growth and the ebb and flow of human connections.
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