

Not Sure Why
I want to die.
I don’t know how,
and I don’t know why.
alls I know, is alls I do is cry.

it hurts.
it’s burns.
And I don’t know why.

I wish I could climb
and I wish I could jump,
then spread my wings and fly.
but every time I want to try,
I don’t glide
but instead I fall and almost die.

Maybe I’m too heavy.
The weight of the world on my shoulders…
I don’t see birds flying while holding boulders.

I tell myself the weight is gone,
So I climb and jump,
and try to soar, knowing this might be my time.
As the ground grows closer,
I begin to cry,
finally I will get what it is I’ve been wanting all my life.
Are these tears of joy,
or tears of sorrow?
Either way, I won’t see tomorrow.

and for this I cry,
as I fall and slowly die.

laying there lifeless, with tears in my eyes, I begin to float upward, never saying goodbye.
I watch myself become smaller
as I go a little further,
and the further I go, the more I cry.
Just this time,
I’m not sure why.

© MistEerie(Shilo)